The art of romantic gift selection

She’s your lady right?

You’re at the point where you know you need to do something special for her. Maybe she’s complained that you’re not very romantic. What will you do? And when?

Will you buy romantic gifts for her on occasion? If not, will she walk away? Maybe you could get some tips on gift giving and become so good at it that your lady, your wife, your girl, responds to your generosity as you being her new found love!

Maybe you do not know how to do this romantic gift-giving stuff? This is so new to you because you hadn’t seen the importance of giving gifts other than on birthdays or anniversaries. What should you buy?

Well, “Etta Kit” is here to help you, because you will see there’s some simple etiquette to be learned in picking the right gift. You and I can make this work. Think of me and my resources as your personal concierge service for romantic gift selection, okay?

First, know your lady’s personality. Is she bubbly? A romantic herself? Shy? A tomboy? A city girl? Or a country girl? Does she dress spunky? Is she a conservative dresser? You want to buy a present that complements the girl in her.

Next, is your girl independent or dependent? Even if she makes her own money, she may be dependent upon you. If she loves hanging all over you, cuddling, and talking to you all day, chances are she’s more dependent than independent. For a dependent woman, you can buy romantic gifts for her because she tends to prefer love gifts or gifts parallel to your relationship. Independent women love gifts in general.

Finally, is your wife, your lady, selfish or generous? This is not meant to be a mean question. Selfish or self-centered women will take care of themselves, and buy the things they want. So feel free to buy a present that you would like her to have. On the other hand, generous women think of others more than themselves, so your present to them can be something they need.

With this information and your own personal knowledge you are set. Now is your chance to get her that unique gift:

The most creative romantic gift ideas. Click Here.

Your lady will be so surprised. What will you pick? Maybe some gold roses?

Gold Roses - Real roses dipped in 24kt gold